Garten of Banban is an indie horror game developed by the Euphoric Brothers. It has a mixed reception, and if you've been paying attention to mascot horror then you probably know about it. Despite the bad reception, the game itself can be very enjoyable! It has an interesting story and has a unique take on mascot horror tropes.

In the game, you play as a parent looking for their lost child. As you look, you end up discovering the kindergarten's secrets...

This page will contain SPOILERS for the games! It's also just me rambling. This page has a lot of clickable elements. You'll have to open each section manually... There's a LOT of text so I decided to hide it lol



There's something about GOBB that really appeals to me, and I'm not sure what specifically. I guess it's multiple things? Like... The building layout and design, the characters, the writing, the overall story... It's so fun! Obviously the game has its issues, but I think it's very enjoyable despite those. I think my favorite thing besides the characters has to be the enviroments. Like look at it!! (below)

Another way I love how Banban presents itself is through notes. The note below is a good example of what I'm talkin about. Here, it gives some fun info on the people that run the kindergarten. They think it's funny to have random, empty rooms with nothing important in them.

If management's sense of humor is this bad then no wonder this establishment is having difficulties running a kindergarten.

They waste god knows how much resources on a prank room like this for employees to find and then complain about financial difficulties.

Even worse, it's only found on the day the world ends, so it couldn't even get out the few laughs it was supposed to get.

If we survive this, someone else needs to control our budget's priorities. But then again, whoever set this up is probably gone already so this would have to be done anyway.

Wait... What if this entire thing is a prank by management and everyone is actually okay? This is my chance to become popular around this place, and I'd better not waste it!

There's more notes than just that. My favorites have to be the Case Update Reports, which give more insight on how each monster was created and what they went through. You can read them here on the Banban wiki. You can also find notes from the missing child you're searching for, alongside ones from workers and even the monsters themselves. It's handled very well and I like it a lot.



Will be added later.



There's like.. Too many characters. So I'm only listing my favorites. Which is still a lot oops! Each character is so unique and has their own personality, and it's fun seeing it get expanded upon ingame.

All the art used will be my own designs :D

BANBAN (Click to open)

Banban is the main mascot of the Kindergarten and also the players main ally. He goes by the name "Uthman" in-game, but I'll be calling him Banban here so it's not confusing.

Banban's genome donor was Uthman Adam- which led Banban to believe he was him. Banban would refer to himself as "Uthman", under the false belief that he was truly the researcher. He even had his memories (except for names) and was extremely smart like him. Banban was calm and collected, albiet very confused about the situation.

Eventually, he would meet Uthman Adam. Things did not go well. Banban was furious and tried to attack the man. After this, he refused to communicate with the employees- aside from wanting to speak with Weverly Mason.

After some time, he eventually had a short visit with Banbaleena. All they did was hug.

During the game, Banban goes by "Uthman" still. In GOBB 6, It's revealed that he freaks out when he's called Banban.

BANBALEENA (Click to open)

Banbaleena is the female counterpart to Banban. Besides that, they aren't similar at all. She enjoys teaching, and has an entire roleplay shown in GOBB 2 where she acts this out.

Banbaleena's genome donor is Weverly Mason, as confirmed in GOBB 6. This may have been done because of how close Uthman and Weverly were- to ensure the two mascots would be good friends. Banbaleena does not seem to be anything like Weverly though. Maybe they made her mental capacity lesser than Banban's, to ensure what happened with him wouldn't happen again? It's explained they did that to Banban, so it would make sense.



This will be separated into my own art, then silly images/memes I have. All the memes with art are by me