HIGH ROLLER hosts the best game show in all of Toontown! Do you like trivia, puzzles, and fighting cogs over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over? Well come down to Dave Brubot - The Musical Master of Melody at Tenor Terrace! Live shows are 4 to 5 days a week. No reservation required!
...Okay, getting out of character now. High Roller is a regional manager in Toontown: Corporate Clash. He only appears during April Toons! If you have no idea what any of that means, basically she's an enemy in the game that only appears during April. She's also a fusion between two other characters: Dave Brubot and Buck Ruffler. She isn't canon but deep down in my heart he is...
Media: Corporate Clash
Pronouns: Any
Gender: ??
Likes: Double Jeopardy, Cheese & Quackers, Bonus Rounds
Dislikes: Being Upstaged, Fair Odds, Low Rolls