Here is an archive of news updates for the site, and in-depth explanations. This is just me rambling. Click the "old news" header to read older posts.
The links page is now done. I will be updating it over time to include more site buttons and shrine pages. if you want me to include your button lmk on my neocities profile! i want to include more!!
the shrines navigation is based on my little cork board filled with various toontown stuff i own. the mary art is based on a charm i made of her, actually!! i kinda want to make a page dedicated to my toontown collection. unfortunately its mostly pacesetter so im not sure how interesting that'd be HAHA
Old News
first post here! as you know, the site was redesigned completely recently. since then i've been working on making the site better code wise + appearance! as of now the code is much easier for me to edit and look through. it's still not the best but i've improved a LOT since then.
the old layout had charm and i hope the new one captures that. as of now, my plans are to continue working on finishing the links page and shrines. the character page is not my priority right now, so it'll look silly for a bit. i think its fun though.
i also moved recently, and now that im settled in i can now focus on updates and other stuff! i know no one will probably read these but thats the fun of it. im writing these for me!